Pode: uno sguardo in video al titolo dai Nintendo Switch europei

Poche ore fa abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay dedicato a Pode, titolo disponibile nelle prossime settimane sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Il titolo co-op puzzle exploration game di Henchman & Goon, arriverà infatti il prossimo 21 giugno sull’eShop europeo di Nintendo Switch, al prezzo di €24,99.

Potete trovare il video gameplay, in calce all’articolo.

Traveling through the insides of a mysterious and magical mountain, Bulder and Glo breathe life into an ancient sleeping world and explore the ruins of a long lost civilization with their unique talents and abilities.

Only by helping each other can these unlikely adventure companions solve the ancient puzzles that open the secret passageways up the caverns of Mount Fjellheim.

Pode is a co-op puzzle exploration game built around the themes of friendship and cooperation, with a strong emphasis on positive actions, relaxing atmosphere and beautiful art inspired by Norwegian culture.


– Exploration. Discover a beautiful and ancient cave system and uncover its secrets to reach your goal.
– Puzzles. Solve puzzles, riddles and mysteries. Combine the two character’s special abilities to overcome obstacles.
– Co-op or single player. Share the experience with a friend, or enjoy playing it by yourself.
– Unique art style. Enjoy a world inspired by Norwegian art and nature.

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